
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chooks @ !PH

Looking at Dario's pictures, I am inspired to post. Weeeeeeee!

I'm happy many of our chooks have been working in other countries already. I hope I could be one of them soon. Hayst :( I wish I could get my passport already. Waaaaaaaaa!

Picked some nice pose of chooks from outside the Philippines. Enjoy!

May these pictures inspire others like it did to me. Weeee! One picture missing though.Grace made her profile inaccessible.I cannot get her picture :(

Tine  in Malaysia

Cena in Japan

Dario in Singapore

Dea in Japan

Jen in Japan

Ristie in Japan
Study and Travel

Rej in Singapore

Candy in Japan

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Three-ling Years Together!



Today is our 3rd Anniversary as Migo and Miga.

Though we had an early celebration last weekend, I'm still extra hype today.

Just thinking about the years Migo and I enjoyed never fails to make my day.

We may have our sad and shaky times, like the one we had weeks ago, despite that we continues to struggle the difficulties of staying together.

3 years...seems long but I feel otherwise.

Maybe because of my short-lived memory...or maybe because I love him so much it makes each day that passed feel like an hour only.

We still have a long way considering my target age to marry at 30.

I'm 25 now...we still have 5 years.

We don't know what will come along between those years but I hope and pray that our devotion to God and love to each other can withstand all temptations around us.

Migo - the patient, the frugal, the stage...
Miga - the impatient, the spendthrift, the spotlight...
We may be at opposite ends..but like magnets, isn't opposite attracts?
Our differences glue us together.
Our similarities strengthen it.
Let not temptations break this apart.

Today is our day!
Thank you Lord for letting us reach this day!

